Your browser is unsupported by the BankID Web-client or BankID demosite

PROD - BankID server 5.3.3

Width must be minimum 320px
Height must be minimum 200px

  • Only PDF documents can be PAdES signed. This document will be ignored.

Please enter 11 digits

Please enter a valid HTTPS URL


Timeout must be a number, minimum 1 (ms)

Client session timeout must be a number, minimum 1 (ms), and equal to or greater than timeout (above)

Transaction info time to wait must be a number, minimum 0 (ms)

Press Preview to display the BankID Web-client.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vehicula metus est, quis ultricies velit vulputate id. Aenean varius, lectus eu porttitor varius, quam libero adipiscing risus, vel fermentum leo neque eget tortor. Donec sit amet accumsan nunc. Phasellus ornare felis quis dui luctus vulputate. Nulla quis gravida sem, vitae volutpat orci.


Allows you to set the localeId parameter to "no" (Norwegian bokmål) or "en" (English).

The wanted language of the client.

Frame mode

Allows you to set the parameter frameMode. Possible values:

  • iframe
  • window (supported since BankID 2.1)
  • redirect (supported since BankID 2.1)
Governs the browsing context of the client.


Allows you to set the parameters width and height.

  • Use available space - width and height are set to 100 %.
  • Fixed size - width and height are set to a predetermined pixel value.
The height of the iframe or window provided to the client.
Optional. Default value: 100 %.
The width of the iframe or window provided to the client.
Optional. Default value: 100 %.

Show check box for understood content

Sets the parameter showUnderstanding to "Y" or "N".

Determines if the text “Content is understood and I am ready to sign.” (including the check box) will be visible or not.
Optional. Default value: "Y".

Show confirmation of signing

Sets the parameter showConfirmation to "Y" or "N".

During a signing process where an SDO receipt is received at the client, this flag controls whether a “confirmation of signing complete” message is to be presented.
Optional. Default value: “Y”.

Display mode

Allows you to set the parameter docDisplayMode. Possible values:

  • interior
  • overlay (supported since BankID 2.1)
  • window (supported since BankID 2.1)
Determines how external documents to be signed will be displayed.
Optional. Only mandatory if action = “sign”.

Action after operation is terminated

The client offers several possible ways to continue after a BankID operation (e.g. signing) is completed. You can test the different options here:

  • Call JavaScript callback (use the parameter callback).
  • Go to web page (URL) (use the parameter nextURL).
  • Do nothing (the parameters callback and nextURL are set to blank).
A function that Helper will call upon client termination. If not provided the last received nextURL over a secure channel will be used to return control instead.
An error fallback URL used by the client if any error occurs (must use SSL).

Person identification

Used if you want to prefill the person identification before the BankID Web-client starts.

Capture keystroke biometrics

Captures keystroke biometrics when prefilling the person identification field.

Connection timeout

Allows you to set the parameter timeout.
The time, in milliseconds, the client will wait for a response from the merchant application.
Optional. Default value: 40000 (ms). Minimum value 1 (ms).

Client session timeout

Allows you to set the parameter clientSessionTimeout used in the call to initSession.
The time, in milliseconds, the client exists in COI. This should be set higher than the connection timeout, otherwise the client may disappear in COI before the merchant manages to answer.
Optional. Default value: 1800000 (ms). Minimum value 1 (ms).
Maximum value: 3600000 (ms).

Transaction info time to wait

Allows you to set the time to wait (in milliseconds) before attempting to retrieve transaction info using getTransactionInfo() after having performed an authentication or signing.